Your donations provide critical support

Thank you for considering a gift to Homeworthy*. Your donation directly supports our programs for families, individuals, and at-risk youth in the Midcoast area, providing emergency resources and comprehensive, wrap-around services. Homeworthy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Tax ID#46-3136785.

*Formerly the Knox County Homeless Coalition

Other ways to give

  • If sending a check, please make it payable to:


    and mail it to:

    PO Box 1696, Rockland, ME 04841

  • A recurring donation provides critical ongoing support for families, individuals, and at-risk youth in the Midcoast. Click here to set up a recurring donation now.

  • Donations of appreciated stock or mutual fund assets help us to continue our mission of breaking cycles of poverty and homelessness in Midcoast Maine while also providing tax benefits for our supporters.

    Click here to download stock transfer delivery instructions.

    Please contact our Director of Development via email or by phone at 207-593-8151 with further questions regarding stock transfer instructions.

  • Click here to download our bequest form. A bequest made through one’s will or trust is an excellent way to leave a lasting legacy of support to Homeworthy, securing the future of the organization and the well-being of the clients we serve.

  • Many employers sponsor programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees, allowing you to double or even triple the value of your gift. We will be happy to provide you or your employer with any necessary documentation to facilitate your matching gift.

  • Transportation is a barrier to nearly every client. We are actively seeking road-ready cars with life left in them to help clients get or maintain a job, and keep social and family connections. A vehicle is often the first step to finding housing as well in this tight market that requires moving further from town.

    If you or someone you know has an inspected, road-ready used vehicle to donate please contact us at!

  • We are currently accepting limited in-kind donations by appointment at our Rockport location. If you are interested in donating goods or professional services, please email us at or call Rockport/Hospitality House: (207) 593-8151 . Our Rockland location, The Landing Place, is only accepting donations on Wednesday from 10am to 1pm.

    Click here to see the full list of current needs and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for our weekly Wishlist Wednesday posts.

  • If you would like to become a volunteer, please click the button below to complete our volunteer interest form. Some volunteer positions require background checks and training.

 Questions? Click here to fill out our Donation Inquiry Form or call us at (207) 593-8151.