Located in the heart of downtown Rockland, The Landing Place youth center is part of Homeworthy’s comprehensive suite of services for highly resilient and often marginalized youth living in Midcoast Maine.
Using trauma-informed, strength-based, restorative practices, we aim to break cycles of poverty by compassionately supporting young people who are at high-risk of experiencing different types of adversity, such as unstable housing, food insecurity, insufficient access to resources and supplies, personal conflicts, and other barriers that make it difficult for youth to succeed.
Since opening our doors in 2017, The Landing Place has emerged as a hub for collaboration and is a steady presence not only for youth and families seeking acceptance and support, but also for community members who are interested in giving back.
61 Park Street, Rockland
The Landing Place Youth Center is a welcoming, non-judgmental, and reliable safe haven where local middle- and high-school age students can respectfully engage in activities, spend time with friends, relax, learn new skills, receive compassionate mentorship from trained staff, and access free services, including fun activities, community-based resources, fun and healthy snacks, warm suppers, shower and laundry facilities, computers, clothing, blankets, personal hygiene products, and other basic supplies.
See the current schedule below:
Community Outreach
Staff at The Landing Place regularly engage with community stakeholders throughout Midcoast Maine, with particular emphasis on local school districts, social service agencies, and business owners. Our team connects with local young people and families who are in need of support and assists them with solutions. We also attend and host community-based trainings as part of our commitment to providing relevant, innovative, and comprehensive services for high-risk youth and families living in Midcoast Maine.
Case Management Services
We have three case managers, trained in trauma-informed practices, who are dedicated to working specifically with clients between the ages of 16 and 24 to determine and prioritize needs, identify personal goals, develop plans of care, and create attainable action plans. Read more about youth specific case management. Read more about Homeworthy’s comprehensive case management approach to client care.
Shelter Solutions for Youth
Transitional Living Program: Four efficiency studio apartments adjacent to our youth center in Rockland. These studios are reserved for individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 and emancipated minors who are receiving case management services and are in urgent need of safe, reliable, and affordable housing. In order to be considered for placement, youth must agree to continue working on a self-driven plan of care and transition goals while in residence. Read more about the Transitional Living Program.
Mental Health Support
The Landing Place is excited to offer one-on-one FREE low-barrier mental health therapy! This service is can be done on site or remotely. If you or a young person you know could benefit from a therapeutic relationship, please text 207-691-6240 or email jhufnagel@homeworthy.org.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need shelter, food, supplies (school, hygiene, clothes), mental health support, connection with resources, etc.