Client Care

He called us back the next
day and said he found us an
[affordable] apartment...
The minute we walked in there... it was 30 pounds off each shoulder.
— A client speaking of their experience

Each individual and family who enters through our doors brings their own unique stories, challenges, and opportunities. For some, housing instability has been a chronic challenge since childhood. Others slipped into crisis after a series of complicated events left them with no options and nowhere to turn. Our case managers understand that each client has a unique situation, as well as unique strengths and opportunities that can help them achieve stability.

Once a client decides to enter into our care, we complete a comprehensive intake assessment and match each client to a professional, dedicated case manager. We support clients to build an individualized plan of care to identify and address layers of challenges, as well as to build on strengths. Our client care team believes in building trust, celebrating small wins, and supporting clients through setbacks with care and dignity. Case managers are the critical connector to our wraparound services, designed to support clients throughout their journey from homelessness to housing, and ultimately to attain stable, positive living. As a result, more than 95% of Homeworthy clients remain housed more than one year later.

We have three case managers dedicated to the unique situations, challenges and needs of youth 18-24 and emancipated minors.

Our case managers connect clients to the following services:


Homeworthy On Wheels

Transportation is a barrier to nearly every client on intake. Maine is the most rural state in the nation, with over 60% of the population living in rural areas. Since public transportation is extremely limited in the Midcoast, many of our clients are unable to access critical services and resources essential to their success. Our dedicated fleet of vehicles fills a service gap in transportation for employment, education, childcare and other critical services.


Welcome Home

Thanks to generous donations from our community, Homeworthy provides new and gently used household items for clients transitioning from homelessness to housing. Clients can “shop” for items needed to set up their new home, such as bedding, towels, household goods, kitchenware, and basic furnishings.



Once a client secures housing, we celebrate the accomplishment together and continue the work towards stabilization and self-sufficiency. Although a lack of housing is often the most acute need for our clients, many times it is a symptom, and not the primary cause of instability. Once housed and no longer experiencing constant crisis, clients are often better able to address underlying issues and obtain the education or skills necessary to attain their individualized plan of care goals. As a result, the Aftercare stage of our program is often the most critical to long-term success. Our case managers remain actively involved with their clients, build upon the trusting relationships they have established, and support clients to make forward progress. Clients will “graduate” from our client care model when they and their case manger feel they are prepared and have the necessary skills and resources to maintain long-term independence.

How To Help

Please consider making a donation to support our comprehensive client care. If you or someone you know is struggling with homelessness, please contact us at (207) 593-8151 or to schedule an intake assessment. Our case managers can also provide emergency supplies and support before and after intake into our program.